About Us

Our trainers

Carol Pironti, Marco Mobilio, Gianpietro Lupi e Riccardo Moretti

Qualified Fijlkam (Italian Federation of Judo Karate Martial Arts) trainers

Carol Pironti

Bio in progress

Riccardo Moretti

He began practicing karate in 2011 and in 2016 he obtained the degree of black belt 1 ° Dan.

In 2018 he acquired the qualification of A.S.C. Coach and the year after that of FIJLKAM Aspiring Coach.

He acquires the rank of 2nd Dan black belt in 2019.

He has a past as an agonist in the specialty of kata but, after abandoning his competitive career, he dedicates himself to both specialties, kata and kumite.

For years he has focused his energies on teaching the very young, where he is enjoying positive results.

Marco Mobilio

"A scuola mi picchiavano sempre.

Poi mi iscrissi a Karate e grazie ad un duro allenamento riuscii a farmi picchiare sia a scuola che a Karate."


Gianpietro Lupi

He began practicing karate in 1993 and in 2002 he obtained the degree of black belt I Dan.

Today he is 4th dan black belt in Karate with FIJLKAM qualification of Aspiring Coach.

In 2018 he acquired the qualification of A.S.C. Coach.